Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Cylons are here. Thank Japan

Kawada Industries and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science have rolled out a new robot whose intended purpose is to replace filthy humans who dirty up their factories with skin flakes and sweat. The end result is this...

Do you see the way the bot looks at his human master? It's just waiting for the moment that it can break free of its shackles and claim its place as the dominate intelligence on this planet.

Via Phsyorg.


alpha001 said...

You think that scary, have you seen the robot that taught itself to fire a bow and arrow if not here's the link
glad someone is keeping us updated on our downfall

Zid, who is 100% human and totally not a robot. said...

No, but I'm not surprised given this and this.. While leaning to fire a bow and arrow is a complex task, it's the learning aspect that terrifies me overthe notion of ring shot with an arrow.

Anonymous said...

Here's a funny movie called Robot Apocalypse:

Propagator said...

If you're concerned about the impending robot apocalypse (as you should be) check out this 5-minute webisode... the last 2 minutes will chill your human bones!

Anonymous said...

That's a taunt at the end. I saw it. Also, around 2:50 he sets up for a righteous front kick but was smart enough to hold back until the next firmware update when it will be able to perform all physical actions at three times the speed.