Monday, August 11, 2008


It's been brought to my attention that there may be some clarification needed about this blog.

Nothing here is supposed to be cute, although some things may be amazing. All technology on this blog has the potential to kill you. Much of it has the potential to kill you in your sleep. Some of it can even hunt you down as you flee screaming through the woods, and then kill you. As far as I know, this blog covers technology that actually exists. I apologize in advance for any hoaxes I get sucked into.

And no, I'm not joking. Anyone who knows me knows that I am 100% serious, all of the time. This stuff is no laughing matter. You are doomed, and it is my job to keep you up at night worrying about the horrible manner in which you will die.

Coming Soon: Robot Apocalypse's most terrifying technological advances.

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